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List of mammals of South Carolina : ウィキペディア英語版
List of mammals of South Carolina

This is a list of mammals that are or were in the past native to South Carolina.
; Balaenopteridae
* Bowhead whale (''Balaena mysticetus'')
* Fin whale (''Balaenoptera physalus'')
* Humpback whale (''Megaptera novaengliae'')
* Minke whale (''Balaenoptera acutorostrata'')
* Right whale (''Eubalaena glacialis'')
* Sei Whale (''Balaenoptera borealis'')
; Bovidae
* Bison (''Bison bison'')
; Canidae
* Coyote (''Canis latrans'')
* Fox
* Grey fox (''Urocyon cinereoargenteus'')
* Red fox (''Vulpes vulpes'')
* Wolf
* Gray wolf (''Canis lupus'')
* Red wolf (''Canis rufus'')
; Cervidae
* Elk (''Cervus elaphus'')
* White-tailed deer (''Odocoileus virginianus'')
; Dasypodidae
* Nine-banded armadillo (''Dasypus novemcinctus'')
; Delphinidae
* Antillean beaked whale (''Mesoplodon europaeus'')
* Atlantic pilot whale (''Globicephala melaena'')
* Atlantic spotted dolphin (''Stenella frontails'')
* Common bottlenose dolphin (''Tursiops truncatus'')
* Dense-beaked whale (''Mesoplodon densirostris'')
* False killer whale (''Pseudorca crassidens'')
* Grampus (''Grampus griseus'')
* Pantropical spotted dolphin (''Stenella attenuata'')
* Rough-toothed dolphin (''Steno bredanenis'')
* Saddleback dolphin (''Delphinus delphis'')
* Short-finned pilot whale (''Globicephala macrohyncha'')
* Spinner dolphin (''Stenella longirostris'')
* Striped dolphin (''Stenella coeruleoalba'')
* True's beaked whale (''Mesoplodon mirus'')
; Didelphimorphia
* Virginia opossum (''Didelphis virginiana'')
; Equidae
* Horse (''Equus caballus'')
; Eschrichtiidae
* Gray whale (''Eschrichtius robustus'')
; Felidae
* Bobcat (''Lynx rufus'')
* Mountain lion (''Puma concolor'')
; Leporidae
* Eastern cottontail (''Sylvilagus floridanus'')
* Marsh rabbit (''Sylvilagus palustris'')
* New England cottontail (''Sylvilagus transitionalis'')
* Swamp rabbit (''Sylvilagus aquaticus'')
; Molossidae
* Brazilian free-tailed bat (''Tadarida brasiliensis'')
; Muridae
* Black rat (''Rattus rattus'')
* Cotton mouse (''Peromyscus gossypinus'')
* Deer mouse (''Peromyscuc maniculatus'')
* Eastern harvest mouse (''Reithrodontomys humulis'')
* Eastern woodrat (''Neotoma Floridana'')
* Golden mouse (''Ochrotomys nuttalli'')
* Hispid cotton rat (''Sigmodon hispidus'')
* House mouse (''Mus musculus'')
* Meadow vole (''Microtus pennsylvanicus'')
* Muskrat (''Ondatra zibethiscus'')
* Norway rat (''Rattus norvegicus'')
* Oldfield mouse (''Peromyscus polionotus'')
* Pine vole (''Microtus pinetorum'')
* Red-backed vole (''Clethrionomys gapperi'')
* Rice rat (''Oryzomys palustris'')
* White-footed mouse (''Peromyscus leucopus'')
; Mustelidae
* Least weasel (''Mustela nivalis'')
* Long-tailed weasel (''Mustela frenata'')
* Mink (''Mustela vison'')
* North American river otter (''Lutra canadensis'')
* Spotted skunk (''Spilogal putorius'')
* Striped skunk (''Mephitis mephitis'')
; Phocidae
* Harbor seal (''Phoca vitulina'')
* Hooded seal (''Cystophora cristata'')
; Phocoenidae
* Harbor porpoise (''Phocoena phocoena'')
; Physeteridae
* Dwarf sperm whale (''Kogia simus'')
* Pygmy sperm whale (''Kogia breviceps'')
* Sperm whale (''Physeter catodon'')
; Procyonidae
* Raccoon (''Procyon lotor'')
; Sciuridae
* Eastern chipmunk (''Tamias striatus'')
* Grey squirrel (''Sciurus carolinensis'')
* Least shrew (''Cryptotis parva'')
* Masked shrew (''Sorex cinereus'')
* Southern short-tailed shrew (''Blarina carolinensis'')
; Soricidae
* American pygmy shrew (''Microsorex hoyi'')
* Red squirrel (''Tamiasciurus hudsonicus'')
* Short-tailed shrew (''Blarina brevicauda'')
* Smoky shrew (''Sorex fumeus'')
* Southeastern shrew (''Sorex longirostris'')
* Southern flying squirrel (''Glaucomys volans'')
* Woodchuck (''Marmota monax'')
; Suidae
* Wild boar (''Sus scrofa'')
; Talpidae
* Eastern mole (''Scalopus aquaticus'')
* Hairy-tailed mole (''Parascalops breweri'')
* Star-nosed mole (''Condylura cristata'')
; Trichechidae
* Manatee (''Trichechus manatus'')
; Ursidae
* Black bear (''Ursus americanus'')
; Vespertilionidae
* Big brown bat (''Eptesicus fuscus'')
* Eastern pipistrelle (''Pipistrellus subflavus'')
* Eastern red bat (''Lasiurus borealis'')
* Eastern small-footed bat (''Myotis leibii'')
* Evening bat (''Nycticeius humeralis'')
* Hoary bat (''Lasiurus cinereus'')
* Indiana bat (''Myotis sodalis'')
* Little brown bat (''Myotis lucifugus'')
* Northern long-eared bat (''Myotis septentrionalis'')
* Northern yellow bat (''Lasiurus intermedius'')
* Rafinesque's big-eared bat (''Plecotus rafinesqueii'')
* Seminole bat (''Lasiurus seminolus'')
* Silver-haired bat (''Lasionycteris noctivagans'')
* Southeastern myotis (''Myotis austroriparius'')
; Zapodidae
* Meadow jumping mouse (''Zapus hudsonius'')
* Woodland jumping mouse (''Napaeozapus insignis'')
; Ziphiidae
* Goosebeaked whale (''Ziphius carvirostris'')

抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)
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